Travel Money Online

Buy and sell currency products online with
At any time your agents can securely log in to check the day’s exchange rates, request quotes, order foreign currency or load a Travelex Money Card. The current range of products include:

Travelex Money Card - The PIN-protected, prepaid currency cards available in EUR, USD and GBP for access to local currencies from over 1 million Visa ATMs and 18 million retailers worldwide.

Foreign Cash - Over 50 currencies provided for you to sell or buyback.

Travellers Cheques - Major currencies and denominations sold and bought back from consumers (encash unused cheques)

Other products available upon request through include:

Wires - A range of currencies can be sent direct to overseas customer bank accounts.

Foreign Drafts - Foreign currency cheques are sold in major currencies.

The benefits of

Easy - a wide range of major currencies available

Flexible - multiple products available to offer your customers via one system

Fast - foreign exchange rates available on demand from within the system and uploaded automatically on a daily basis

Convenient - one daily invoice per product for total days trading for simpler back office processing

Simple - as it's an online system there's no need to install hardware

Stable, safe and secure is protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer); a protocol to transmit private documents over the Internet.

SSL encrypts data with a private key, or password, to decipher encoded data. A powerful security tool, this protocol is commonly used in credit card gateway e-business sites. In addition, message integrity is ensured by https128 bit encryption and the leading digital trust broker, VeriSign, is deployed for all our e-commerce sites and services.

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